The foundation of any business is the quality of its people and Executive Career Management Ltd is the brainchild of leading executives who have major industry tenure at senior levels coupled with clarity of vision, clarity of purpose and an incisive engagement style.

What really sets us apart is our ruthless, uncompromising attitude to engagement excellence and value for all customers, whether they mandate us or they go on a journey with us.

We have an enviable reputation where users consistently recommend our services. Our aim is to be the biggest open secret in the senior executive’s world.

One of the challenges facing businesses today is the competitive need for senior executive relevance to corporate aims, goals and aspirations and their ability to pull the business towards a vision, there is a never-ending quest to ensure the top team are all fully engaged.

We facilitate that process, supporting businesses involved in adjusting their top teams. We do this through a modular approach that ensures we deliver rich content that is fit for purpose.


  • By overlaying our best practice onto the outplacement journey, we enhance corporate credibility and branding with those leaving, those remaining and the wider stakeholder community.


  • By taking executives leaving the business and realigning viewpoints, individuals are released rather than redundant, and they are supported with our dedication to excellent outcomes so exit becomes a positive adventure for the individual and a positive experience for the company.

Individuals will never be pleased to be started down this path but we believe the quality of the journey we provide can even make the individual a major advocate of their former employer.

We make a significant change to the mind-set of people in transition. We help them reflect, recharge, regroup and realign.

We upskill people to afford them the luxury of choice, this is enhanced through the ability to optimise their current skills and capabilities and understand those they need in the future to realise their longer-term career goals.

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